Identifying challenges and goals

Before we can get your business set up to become a well-oiled machine of streamlined efficiency, we first need to take some time to learn more about your company.
To do this we need to find out where you are now, where you want to be, what's currently working, and what's not, and help you clearly define what would it look like to have the end result you desire.
This process is called Discovery. It helps us determine the Scope of the work to be done and allows us to then offer you the right plan for setup, cleanup, and/or ongoing services based on your specific needs.
Skipping over this process tends to lead to disappointment for both the client and service provider because misunderstandings are inevitable when expectations are not clarified at the start.
During the Discovery process, we're going to ask a lot of questions. We do this because really want to get to know you, your processes, your goals, and what's keeping you up at night. Like dating, we want to be sure we're a good fit for you and you're a good fit for us.
Invitation to your QuickBooks File
3 virtual meetings to be booked and attended by you and your team
Acceptance to our Client Portal Invitation
Completion of any To Do's in our portal
Uploads of requested information to our client portal
Completion of Questionaire
In order to better define and deliver the Goals that we’re setting out to achieve there are 3 main services that will need to be provided.
REQUIRED: Discovery Retainer Fee and Project Plan
During this phase we will meet together in a few more virtual sessions and identify a plan for how to proceed.
We’ll try to determine a timeline for rollout so we can hit targets
We will determine who should be doing what at the different phases of the project (Example, who will continue to run payroll and process day to day transactions? Who will assist with implementing new systems?)
The output (product) of the Discovery Process is the production of the Strategy Plan and its determined price. You can choose to accept or decline the proposed plan at this point. If accepted, part of the retainer will be applied to the plan costs.
NO WORK IS PERFORMED during Discovery. We will identify the areas in your accounting system that need to be addressed but we will not actually affect or touch your financial books or make edits of any kind. Once you agree to an implementation plan we will apply your Discovery Retainer to that plan and then get to work on your file clean up or set up work.
Even if you don’t opt to move forward with the plan you will still get one as a road map on how to proceed.
OPTIONAL: IMPLEMENTATION of the Proposed The Plan / Strategy
At this point the full price for the plan to move forward will be decided and accepted. Part of the Retainer Discovery will be applied to the Strategy Plan.
The cost of the project plan will depend on 2 factors
Weather or not an OnGoing Service is added at the start date.
If the work estimated stays in Scope and the Business Owner can provide all information & access needed in order for the project to be complete on time. If additional work is discovered that is far outside the scope of the project then work will be paused and additional change orders will be issued before work can commence.
OPTIONAL: OnGoing Accounting and Bookkeeping services to ensure things stay up to date & correct
These services are provided either Daily, Weekly, or Monthly and range in price.
OPTIONAL: OnGoing CashFlow Forecasting Advisory support based on up-to-date bookkeeping
These services are provided either Daily, Weekly, or Monthly and range in price.
PROJECT MILESTONES - To Be Determined in the Strategy Plan (the output of Discovery)

To be determined in the Strategy Plan (output of Discovery Process)…
The total value of the Project is estimated to cost $______
To be determined in the Strategy Plan
100% of the Discovery Retainer of $1,500 will be applied to this total as a discount and the remaining balance can be further discounted depending on the optional ongoing Accounting & Bookkeeping services and or Ongoing CashFlow Forecasting services that are signed up for and maintained for a given period of time.
If no additional ongoing services are chosen, then the total Project Cost will be $_______ payable in 2 payment installments.
50% upon acceptance of the proposal to start and 50% remaining balance will be automatically on completion.
If desired, a 3-payment plan can be arranged and paid instead.
However, if you combine your clean up project with an ongoing maintenance service, then we can offer a significant discount as we have a vested interest in working together on an ongoing basis. This also helps with scope creep as we can tend to continue with your clean up project for more months than the original allotted time while you’re in an ongoing package.
30% Discount on Strategy Project Plan with adding Bronze Monthly Service
We can offer a 30% discount on the project fees if you sign up for Bronze Monthly Service for at least two months.
60% Discount on Clean Up with the Gold Weekly Service
We can offer a 60% discount on the project fees if you sign up for Gold Weekly Service for at least two months.
90% Discount on Clean Up with the Platinum Daily Service
We can offer a 90% discount on the project fees if you sign up for Platinum Daily Service for at least two months.
Determining whether or not you will be the right fit for us, will be based on the following main factors:
Are you able to grant us access to all the information we need promptly? Or will you become “too busy”?
Are you able to adapt & use the communication systems we use? Or will you revert to spartic email & text requests?
Curious as to how much the Discovery Phase will cost? The Discovery process is basically paid as a one-time retainer for $1,500 and a portion of the retainer will be applied to the overall determined Strategy (clean-up or set-up project) that follows. If you also opt in to sign up for ongoing Subscription Services we offer discounts depending on the ongoing program you choose. To get the discount on your Strategy Set Up Project though you must remain as an ongoing client for at least 2 to 3 months.
We will spend a lot of time and effort on your business during the first 90 days of your onboarding and set up project. After the first 90 days, things should start leveling out and become more streamlined for all.