If you currently use QuickBooks Desktop follow the steps below to send us a copy.

1) Click the link (or below video) to watch how to make a Portable File (or BackUp File): https://vimeo.com/858054572?share=copy
2) Upload the File to our Send Secure link here: https://secure-uploads.qount.io/biggerbottomline/requests
**IMPORTANT in the MESSAGE section you should add the PASSWORD to open the QuickBooks desktop file. We'll assume the user name is Admin but if not note what that should be. Also, please mention the VERSION of QuickBooks Desktop you currently use (Pro, Primer, Contractors etc, or Enterprize) if you don't know it is ok.

3) Or, if this was requested via a To Do in the client portal, just upload the file to the TO DO by clicking on either the paperclip icon in the comments section or using the upload feature provided.
If replying via a To Do in the portal, please tell us the PASSWORD to Open the file, the user name, and what VERSION of QuickBooks you use (Pro, Primer, Contractors etc, or Enterprize) if you don't know it is ok. Don't forget to tell us the password and user name to open the QuickBooks file! We'll bug you for it later if you miss this. ;-)